History Repeats

The party supported by the reigning president winning a general election is a no brainer for Sri Lankans as that’s the case been majority instances over the years.

Strength in unity

My take on this clean sweep of landslide victory for SLPP supported by the president himself is due to the united front taken by the leaders of the party. They may have their differences, they may have had their fair share of disagreements but as the leadership of the party they stood united. That signals the strength and focus for the bigger picture to the general public.

Trust : The importance

UNP being one of the oldest political party in the country which has been the ruling party for many years lost its footing simply due to the internal conflicts that broke the party to fractions. No policies or visionary thinking will build the trust in minds of general public if they perceive that the leadership is not far sighted or strong enough to keep their camp together.


Same applies to corporate leadership. When our world is affected with unprecedented hardships due to global health pandemic and unavoidable economic recession, the Leadership matters. One voice that’s coming down from the C suite to the factory floor, the unified thinking pattern will pave path for success and sustainable growth: as the age old saying goes United we stand, divided we fall.

Dulith Herath – Aug 7th – 2020